Apr 15 2020

Anger Management for Children

During the growing phase of our children, they are exposed to several emotions and one of them is the Anger. As a parent we need to give our child a kick start to an emotionally healthy and grounded future. This means we need to help

Jan 16 2020

Is your child Imaginative??

Our enthusiastic core team member shares her views on beauty of imagination in our life. “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.” ―George Bernard Shaw As we grow

Jan 09 2020

How do you measure success???

  I, at times fail to understand the human-level of emotional complexities. The multilayered opportunist thinking that a human can have, amazes me. At some point, I felt that, all successful people have the ability to think complex as a result they cannot be simple

Jan 02 2020

Positive words generates positive thoughts

Do we express ourselves enough as parents to our children??? Not really…. Because, as parents, we can strongly persuade the direction of our children’s lives by the words we say to them. Yet many parents fall short to do so. A lot of parents say

Dec 04 2019

You are who you surround yourself with!!!

We always wish, aspire and desire that our children should follow the right path and should have the right influence during those crucial growing years and later too! How do we teach children to surround themselves with the right people and have the right influence??

Dec 04 2019

Happy Children’s Day!!!

Our CEO,  Ms. Sneha Tapadia shares her love for children. She was always clear that in life she would want to work for children and with children.. Here are her thoughts on one of the most special day of her life ‘Children’s Day’! Children are

Nov 22 2019

Embracing Self Love!

Our CEO, Ms. Sneha Tapadia talks about importance of embracing self love. Self love is your secret weapon to live a fulfilling life. That’s because your inner world creates your outer world, thus embracing it to the fullest is important. Are you a person who

Oct 17 2019

Lets make our children independent

Our enthusiastic core team member shares her thoughts on the importance of  making our Children Independent. “I want to do it!” “Let me do it!” “I am not a kid!”. Do you get to hear these phrases at your home? If so, welcome to the

Oct 03 2019

The Habit of Saying ‘NO’!!! – What do Children learn from it???

Our enthusiastic core team member shares her views on one of the most issue parents face is ‘ The Habit of Saying ‘NO’ We see children play every day around us. They try to do different things each day. Sometimes they try to paint the

Aug 31 2019

Our Future is the reflection of our today

How often do people come to you and tell you that you are a replica of your father or mother, you behave like them or that you talk or walk like them? or some one might say that  you  might become  like them in future,