Apr 15 2020

Can we embrace fearlessness and flexibility?

The emotions like Fear, anxiety and inflexibility are learnt by children when they are growing with us in this world. They are not born with it.We should teach them to embrace it The world is facing a grave pandemic and almost every conversation and media

Apr 15 2020

Anger Management for Children

During the growing phase of our children, they are exposed to several emotions and one of them is the Anger. As a parent we need to give our child a kick start to an emotionally healthy and grounded future. This means we need to help

Nov 07 2019

Is your child an ‘Attention Seeker’?

Why do you think your child is looking for your attention??? Does your child behaves this way with all… or is just you???? We often hear from parents about frets that a child acts in a way that is likely to attract focus on him/her

Jan 23 2018

Curiosity Opens Doors to Learning

Our CEO believes that we are born curious. All through our lifespan it is curiosity which encourages us to understand our surroundings and makes us understand the world around us. “I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious”, -Albert Einstein The concept of