
How to discipline your children healthily?

There always comes a time when your child back answers you. Though as parents we see it coming, it is hard to digest it when the situation arises. Clenched fingers, gritting teeth, and angry eyebrows may sound a little familiar. These physical outbursts are born when your child fails to express her thoughts. Children have different ways of expressing their feelings. They may scream, cry, bite or kick a chair next to you for their voice to be heard. Toddlers also indulge in this behaviour to get what they want instantly. 


Discipline is a practice of training children to follow the code of good behaviour. Children often don’t understand the importance of obeying rules. However, it is a crucial part of their healthy growth. At the same time, parents need to know that it is essential that you don’t scream or shout at them when they throw tantrums. Rather than punishing or telling them what not to do, a positive approach will develop healthy behaviour in them. Whether it is handling your fussy toddler or teenager, it is not easy to stay calm through it. However, there are ways to understand your little one and act accordingly.






  • Talk to your child one-on-one: Talking to your child one-on-one gives a better understanding of the outbreak and builds a healthy relationship with your child. They will be able to talk out their feelings when they are in a safe place. You could do so while engaging them in another activity, while playing or watching TV. However, you must pay attention to them while they talk.


  • Encourage your child to use words: It is natural for children to talk physically than verbally. They do not know what to say when they feel angry, sad, or irritated. Parents need to constantly tell their children that “When your angry or upset, use your words. I’ll be able to help you.” Reminding them this often will help them develop a habit. This way you can understand and help them with the problem they were going through.


  • Praise the positives: As parents, we often look into the bad behaviour and point it out. However, by calling out mistakes, your child will only focus on the negatives. Instead, praise your child when she is doing something good and encourage them to do better. Praise them when they don’t kick that chair when they are angry. You may even reward them with a sticker or a small treat them every time they do something good.


  • Try and set clear expectations: Telling your child what to do is better than telling them what not to do. Children tend to do things that they are not supposed to. Some would repeat our words to make us feel better and eat the junk behind our backs! We did it ourselves too! Parents can start by giving clear instructions to the children to perform a task. Make sure to set realistic expectations like staying quiet while eating or until someone has finished their conversation on the phone. It would likely help them to do what is asked by the parent.


  • Be calm: Growing up, children realize that there are consequences to their actions. Try to help your child to choose the right path by explaining the result of their bad behaviour. If your child scatters her toys and refuses to tidy them up, you could tell them to clean up or, you will limit their screen time. If they don’t listen, approach them calmly without showing any anger. If your child follows your words, make sure to appreciate.





Teaching your child to be disciplined is not easy. Parents work hard every moment to keep their little ones away from making the wrong choice. They make sure their child understands the rules with a positive approach. Though we all make mistakes, we must learn from them and rectify them. It is easy to forget the marvelous job parents do, but you must take a moment and give yourself credit sometimes. All the parents out there, give yourself a tap on your back. We are so proud of you!


Jumpstart Preschool

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