Apr 15 2020

The journey of Parenting over the centuries

As said by Matt Walsh, “Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do.”  The world is in the 21st century  which is all advanced and it is fast like never before.

Jan 16 2020

Is your child Imaginative??

Our enthusiastic core team member shares her views on beauty of imagination in our life. “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.” ―George Bernard Shaw As we grow

Dec 04 2019

Happy Children’s Day!!!

Our CEO,  Ms. Sneha Tapadia shares her love for children. She was always clear that in life she would want to work for children and with children.. Here are her thoughts on one of the most special day of her life ‘Children’s Day’! Children are

Aug 31 2019

Our Future is the reflection of our today

How often do people come to you and tell you that you are a replica of your father or mother, you behave like them or that you talk or walk like them? or some one might say that  you  might become  like them in future,

Aug 20 2019

Evolving by Involving!

We often wonder what Involving it takes to evolve into a new level of mindset where we can grow and achieve more in life. As we move forward, we want to be a new person, dealing with new challenges, learning new skill sets, and constantly

Dec 04 2018

The Importance Of Parent-School Partnership

Educators across the nation have long professed the importance of family involvement in children’s education.One of the most important aspect is Parent Partnership. Many research have shown positive effects of schools and parents continuously working hand-in-hand to support and encourage the children’s learning and development.

Aug 20 2018

The Fear Gene

What is a Fear gene?? Every parent wants their child to inherit their good looks, their intelligence, this goes without saying. But ..Fear?? Certainly not! Many parents may not even realize that they are unwillingly passing down their fears and anxieties- whether it is something