
The journey of Parenting over the centuries


As said by Matt Walsh, “Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do.” 

The world is in the 21st century  which is all advanced and it is fast like never before. Humans have taken over the world. The gadgets have made life easy. Same goes with with raising children in this century.


Lets get nostalgic:


Let us all go back in time when fathers were bread earners and mothers were bread makers. Families lived together sometimes small houses.

An era where mothers were totally responsible for cooking, cleaning, raising the children, taking care of the house. While the fathers were responsible for earning money.

In this fight for survival, the grandparents played an important role. Grandparents helped children to understand life, they educated the heirs of the rich culture, and religious scriptures were a part of daily life.

As years passed the children who were raised by grandparents suddenly did not want interference in anything hence after they were married they settled away from parents hence there came a new term, “Nuclear Family.”

The Nuclear family system:


In this system the parents lived alone mothers were again responsible for making the bread and the fathers were engrossed in earning the bread.

However there was a new development the woman of the house  as she became educated and was equally responsible to earn the bread.

In this struggle to earn and make bread the children were left at the mercy of a care takers at home. Parents hardly could spend time with their children.In this hustle parents could not make time to contribute towards development of their children.


 The era of Independent Nuclear families:


In this era ,the children understood that the mothers had to work as it was her choice now.Grandparents were involved however never lived together. In this age the mothers became smarter they worked from home to be with the children. Thus the housemaids were introduced. These maids were made to do household chores and most important take care of the child. The mothers were home however wasn’t involved in the child development. This further widened the gap.

This era is the one where parents live alone in big houses earn a lot of money can afford the world’s best luxuries however they cannot give TIME to their children. Children crave for parents time, they see and learn whatever they observe and thus follow.

The more they see their parents busy, the more they see their parents quarreling, the more they see their parents distancing the more they see their parents distancing from their grandparents – children follow their parents’ footsteps.

The phase of awareness and realization :Jumpstart_Parenting..


This is the time to reflect and mend the damage. Spend time with your children. Laugh, play with them. Sing, dance with them. Talk to your parents, relatives often.

Go out for parties family functions. Arrange get-together. Once we all do this we will see the difference.

Today we have run out of courses, classes, sessions, friends, relatives because of this PANDEMIC .

Nature is giving humans a chance to heal, lets grab this opportunity and let us all HEAL

You can also read:


Quarantine is a blessing in disguise

Written by:
Neha Vaidya

15 thoughts on “The journey of Parenting over the centuries”

  1. So true. This is the best time to spend quality time with our family and understand each other.
    The blog shows the reality of today’s world and also how we can heal ourselves and shows us importance of being in family l.

  2. So true. This is the best time to spend quality time with our family and understand each other.
    The blog shows the reality of today’s world and also how we can heal ourselves and shows us importance of being in family .

  3. The blog is infact an eye opener to the actual scenario of the century. Very well written and informative to me. Thankyou for such a nice read.

  4. This offer states the current family system perfectly. Parents should make out time no matter what because spending time with them is very important no matter how much time they spend in school. Very well written blog

  5. The blog is a complete eye opener. Now a days parents are so busy in their work and earning money that they hardly get to spend time with their children.
    Very well written Neha…
    Thank you jumpstart!

  6. This blog gave a clarity to today’s world.
    The struggle that each parent faces during parenting is is very well explained.
    We should take this chance of PANDEMIC in a positive way and can heal for a better tomorrow.
    Let us all be victors and not victims of this PANDEMIC.
    Let us all spend quality time with the family and make this Lockdown a memorable one.
    Well written blog
    Inspiration to many readers

  7. Very excellently drafted. As parents we often forget that to give the child a great future only money is not enough. They actually need that time of bonding and love where they can share all sort of feelings to their best company and their best company are we, so parents use this time as a chance to create the precious bond on the earth. Thank you for writing.

  8. Very informative blog , very well written

    This is fact of this generation that parents don’t have quality time to spend with children. They are more busy throughout the day
    But, because of this pandemic, nature has given them the chance to spend some time with their kids, understand them .
    So let’s grab this opportunity

  9. Very well articulated blog. This pandemic turned out to be a blessing in disguise and is helping us make stronger bonds with our closed ones. A big takeaway from is to we should always be kind and compassionate towards others and spend as much as quality time we can with the ones we love.

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