
Our Future is the reflection of our today

Bright Future

How often do people come to you and tell you that you are a replica of your father or mother, you behave like them or that you talk or walk like them? or some one might say that  you  might become  like them in future, Have you ever asked them why they said that?Future

It was just a sudden realization that our personalities are a shadow of our parents and their teaching. We tend to pick up on small actions and pattern from our parents and subconsciously start imitating them as a part of our personality. Similarly, our mother tongue is never taught to us. The fact that we have heard our parents speak it every day, is practice enough to learn the language. We automatically tend to learn the grammar simultaneously.

Learning is a continuous process:

Learning is a continuous, passive and an intense process and it happens through observation and practice. Every paradigm of the learning processes it readily available to a child in his or her environment. We as adults, parents, mentors and educators are the main facilitator to our children’s learning processes. Even basic things like speaking tone and pitch, hospitality, use of correct language or appropriate habits, are learnt through observation. Observation plays an important role in learning. We usually observe our surrounding and the people in it and learn from them. Repetitions also play an active role in the process of learning. It is similar for our children. They learn from us!

FutureBe your child’s Role Model:

We are our children’s 1st school, their 1st role model and their 1st point of contact before they encounter the world outside house. It is obvious that they will follow our footsteps and behave accordingly.

Right Environment:

The kind of environment we produce for our children and the information we pass down to them verbally and through body language, thus has to be very appropriate and specific. Achieving this milestone is a gradual process and can be done by us and only us. We need to remember that we are the window to our children’s inventions and that we need to open the right door to their discovery, beliefs, ethics and thought processes through appropriate role modeling and actions. If we want to inculcate learning within a child, the best way to do so is to start implying the action ourselves. Repeating the same action and behavior will only strengthen their belief in the act.

And, then one day, you never know what you learn about your child or from your child!

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Jayshree Partani

11 thoughts on “Our Future is the reflection of our today”

  1. Definitely we are the most influential people in our children’s lives; inevitably, they’ll pick up some of our mannerisms, ideas, habits, prejudices, and talents.

    Very well said in the blog and completely agree on the lines –
    “The kind of environment we produce for our children and the information we pass down to them verbally and through body language, thus has to be very appropriate and specific. Achieving this milestone is a gradual process and can be done by us and only us “

  2. Well said parents are the role model for their child .they follow each and every thing of ours manners,habits, hospitality everything.

  3. Very well drafted blog. Children observe parents and do as they do. They are the knowledge seeker right from the early age.Hence as said in above blog to inculcate learning within a child the parents themselves should enact an teach the important values.

  4. All these points are so true. Children indeed are the future of tomorrow and how they behave today will definitely affect how they turn out to be in their future. And we have to be the biggest role models in making sure their future is a perfect version of their present.

  5. Child behaviour mostly depends upon the people surrounding them during growing years as they learn through observation the most. That’s the reason why one must keep a check on their actions while being around kids.
    Under current situation when kids are at home they will observe parents the most.

  6. Well explained through this blog ,children learn only through observations and reputation as they grow . They are keen observer’s and imitate the same, so we need to check on their action while being around children . Thank you Jumpstart

  7. What an insightful blog. We must always notice our actions and behavior as it projects on our children too. Besutifully written. Great tips shared.

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