The Importance Of Parent-School Partnership

Educators across the nation have long professed the importance of family involvement in children’s education.One of the most important aspect is Parent Partnership.
Many research have shown positive effects of schools and parents continuously working hand-in-hand to support and encourage the children’s learning and development.
Why do you enrol your child into the school?
Whatever the answers are….. I am sure, it boils down to one fact: you want your child to upgrade!
Is it that easy to enrol your child in a good school? May not be! It involves finances, time management, managing your own schedules etc…..
But yes, you manage all this and ensure that your child goes to the best school and upgrades! After all, healthy schooling is sure to prepare your child for a brighter future!
Parental involvement produces measurable gains in a child’s holistic development. As we all know, the parent is a child’s first teacher.
When a school system values and respects the relationship between a parent and a child and welcomes parents as equal partners in their child’s education, parents and teachers have an opportunity to influence a child to live a positive and fulfilling life.
How about upgrading ourselves?
Agreed we “have to” and we “tend to” go ahead with multiple certifications at our companies and organisations to upgrade and prepare ourselves for the higher roles, jobs and responsibilities, but here I would want to ask about upgradation associated with the new phase of life called “parenting”.
Parents are vital partners in education. They influence their children’s attitudes about learning, and support learning at home. They are a vital link between home and school. And when they become involved in the life of the school, they make our schools better places to learn, grow and thrive. s
Research suggests, student achievement and success increase when parents are welcomed and respected as partners, and given the support, they need to contribute at home and at school.
So let us all take this into account and upgrade ourselves with effective and positive parent-school partnerships!
You can also read:
The Enduring Importance Of Parental Involvement In Early Years Of Your Children”
Quarantine is a blessing in disguise
Agree, parents and teachers together play a vital role in over all development of a child
Very nicely explained about parents being children’s first teachers.
It’s so true that parents & teachers are together involved in a child’s overall.Its very important for both teacher & parents to understand each other & have a healthy relationship so as to leave a positive impact on a child
Very well written blog
Completely agree teacher and parents both are very important for child’s development.
School and home both places play an vital role in child’s development. In the same way both parents and teachers play and vital role in childs education too. the blog very well explains about if the school conducts a role of keeping parent partnership relation then it will truly leads in child’s overall educational achievement.
Completely agree,parents and teachers together play an important role in development of a child . Thank you
The development of a child is partly dependent on both parents and teachers..
Teachers are their second mother and school is their second home..
Parents and educator both are most important pillars of child’s overall develpoment. If they both are on same path, can leave a great impression on child’s mind and growth. It’s a very nice thought and we’ll explained in this blog.
Very well written blog! A must read blog for all the parents.
Teachers act as Navigators and Parents as a Guiding Light.
Parents and teachers play an important role in molding a child’s future. Working hand-in-hand, teachers and parents can act as motivators and can nurture the children. Let’s make this relationship more effective and positive.
Wonderful blog. Parents are the first mentor of the child and the teacher is the second. Parents and Teachers both play an important role in encouraging and motivating the children to learn and in their holistic development.
Very well written blog. The roles of Parent and teacher in a child’s growth is explained in detail.👍🏻
Beautifully explained how important parents and teachers role in overall development of children
Yes Parents are 1st teacher for a child, so when parent and teacher works together for a child development it will surely benefit the child most.
This blog truly helps us to understand how important it is for parents and teacher to move hand in hand for their child’s development.
A well written blog! Involved parents promote positivity and encourage children to be actively involved in the learning process. A partnership between parents and teachers supports educational learning and aspirations. The children show deep interest in all aspects of schooling when the parents are involved as much as teachers and they also feel protected.
Well written blog…..When parents and teachers have strong relationships, children get many academic and social benefits.
Totally Agreed Parent and teacher plays vital role in child’s growth.
The blog explains this very well.
Agreed that parents play an vital role.. Liked the point that school and parents should go hand in hand for over all development
The blog is written very wonderfully I agree parent and teacher plays vital role in child’s growth a d development…
Absolutely, it sure is a contribution of both the parties in order achieve development and growth. It’s a triangle which shall bind the bonds and strengthen them when worked equally and efficiently.
Surely,It is a contribution of both the parties in order achieve development and growth. It’s a triangle which shall bind the bonds and strengthen them when worked equally and efficiently.
A good school or a successful academic year depends equally on parent partners as much it depends on teachers and their students. Parents are a equal asset to the school and importance definitely needs to be given to strengthen that bond.
Beautifully written blog. A delight to read.