Building with Blocks
How many of you still enjoy playing with blocks with your children??? It doesn’t matter how old we all get, but we still love building our own creative structures with blocks. Children absolutely love the thrill of building and they can do this for hours.
Art Attack
One thing that all children love the most is the Art and Craft activity. What children also enjoy is cutting, pasting and exploring new mediums like glue, paper, stickers. Sadly, art activity was an extra class during our childhood. Although, you will be super surprised
Cut it out with Scissors
Children are always eager to try new tools. Scissors is a tool that helps in development of fine motor skills, focus and concentration. The opening and closing motion of cutting with scissors helps children develop the small muscles in their hands otherwise known as fine motor skills.
Pretty Pretty Pattern
You will be surprised to know that children are highly pattern aware 😍 Children can reproduce patterns and predict how they will continue. Pattern awareness has been described as early algebraic thinking, which involves: a. Noticing mathematical features b. identifying the relationship between elements. Lets
Lets Fix it with Nuts and Bolts
We spent all our childhood playing with dolls and soft toys🎎🧸.The time has changed and now surprisingly Nuts and bolts are the new toys for our children.. So lets fix it!!! These Nuts and Blots are made of plastic. They are 100% safe and the
Lace it up with cards and knots
Tying knots in the shoe lace was the most boring and difficult task for us when we were in school. But did you know that tying lace actually plays a vital role in children’s growth and development??😊 We have got a bag of activity to
Threads & Needles
We as parents try to keep our children away and safe from things they might get hurt. What more dangerous can be then a sharp pointed Needles???? But, have you ever imagined how friendly can Threads and Needles be for your younger ones?? Once children
A bag full of Surprises
Does your child love surprises ??? What surprise gift can be better than a bag full of activities which will keep your child engaged? All this bag needs is, a little time and creativity… This is a great activity to develop fine motor control, coordination,