Lets Fix it with Nuts and Bolts

We spent all our childhood playing with dolls and soft toys🎎🧸.The time has changed and now surprisingly Nuts and bolts are the new toys for our children.. So lets fix it!!!
These Nuts and Blots are made of plastic. They are 100% safe and the best part is, they are available in various attractive colors. They can keep toddlers engaged for a very long time.
The nuts and bolts come in different shapes and sizes. It is best to let children develop cognitive skills to match the pieces by color, shape and size.
so what are we waiting for ???? Lets get ready to fix it!!
Parental Involvement: Low
Duration: 20 mins
Skills Acquired:
a. Develop fine motor skills
b. Increases concentration
c. Improves grip
d. Good for eye-hand coordination
e. Pattern identification
Nuts and bolts
How to play:
a. Let your child get all his colorful nuts and blots together
b. Ask your child to choose nuts and bolts of the same colours and same patterns
c. Let your child use the nut to fasten the bolt by himself
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Every child has little engeneer in them… They will love to play with nuts and bolts.good tips provided.thanks for sharing.
This is a very nice fine motor activity. Easy to play with and right toy for the children.
Very effortless activity which is helpful at the same time. Thanks for sharing.
Very interesting activity where children will grasp fine motor skills. Easy way to make children independent and developing the concerntration power. Thank you Jumpstart team for such a wonderful activity.
Nuts and bolt for children is a great toy to develop fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination and concepts like shapes and colors.
Thank you Jumpstart for sharing.
This sure is very appealing for all ages and can keep them engaged while they grasp much needed skills
Amzaing activity for the children to keep them engaged which also helps to develop their fine motor skill, attention span, pincer grasp , eye hand co ordination and very easy to understand colours, shapes and sizes.
Thanks for sharing
This sure is very appealing for all ages and can keep them engaged while they grasp much needed skills
Simple and fun yet so vital for children. Love the range of activities that are being shared. Thank you Team Jumpstart!
You are most welcome. We are happy to spread goodness