Art Attack

One thing that all children love the most is the Art and Craft activity. What children also enjoy is cutting, pasting and exploring new mediums like glue, paper, stickers.
Sadly, art activity was an extra class during our childhood. Although, you will be super surprised to know that creating art expands a child’s ability to interact with the world around them, and provides a new set of skills for self-expression and communication.And thus is the most important class for preschoolers now!
Not only does art help to develop the right side of the brain, it also cultivates important skills that benefit a child’s development.
And isn’t this one of the best things to keep our children engage??? Off course Yes !!!!
So Lets check out this video to learn fun way of letting our children making their own abstract art:
Parental Involvement: Low
Duration: 20 mins
Skills Acquired:
a. Improves Eye hand coordination
b. Develops Tactile skills
c. Develops Imagination
a. Coloured Paper
b. Sequins
c. Glue
d. Paper cutouts
a. Take coloured paper and paper cutouts
b. Take some fancy sequins and glue
c. Let the child paste the cutouts and sequins on the coloured paper to make abstract art.
To know more about colours and patterns, get ready for our next activity:
Any paper cut outs, paints , few decorative material and you are set to have a beautiful and creative art by your child. Art activity is a thing which children look up to and get a feeling of confidence after completing it. The art can be any unimaginable thing but has a meaning to it for the child. Thank you jumpstart for sharing this blog.
Great way to introduce and encourage the idea of self expression through art. Helps children become creative and imaginative. Thanks for sharing.
Children have exploring minds, there’s no end to their creativity, through different mediums such as papers, glitter, stickers, glue they can make their own creative art piece. It aslo keep them engaged for long time. Thank you Jumpstart team for sharing this activity.
Nice and informative blog
Children love art and craft . Very beautiful activity to keep them busy for longer time which really helps to develop their imagination skill, eye hand co ordination.
Art not only helps to develop the right side of brain,also cultivates important skills which benefits child’s development and also expand child’s ability to interact the world around them.
Thanks jumpstart for sharing.
Great way for little ones to just be themselves and do whatever they wish to but super helpful and interesting at the same time. Amazing idea
All children love art craft so it’s like a visual treat for them very helpful amazing