Oct 06 2020

Supporting Your Children for Learning at Home

A Part of the new normal for everyone was the transition to distance and online learning. This was a huge change for most, including educators , students and parents too. We all had to make adjustments in our home and work life for children’s changing

Apr 15 2020

The journey of Parenting over the centuries

As said by Matt Walsh, “Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do.”  The world is in the 21st century  which is all advanced and it is fast like never before.

Apr 03 2020

Perfection is a Myth

Human spend their entire life looking for perfection in everything they do…But, Hey guess what!!!! Nothing is perfect in life. Although, in this competitive world we are all striving to prove ourselves towards perfection in all the roles we play. This is because we feel

Mar 23 2020

Quarantine is a blessing in disguise

Our dynamic goodness partner, truly believes that Quarantine is a blessing in disguise!! In our hectic life, we don’t often get time to spend with our little ones. This is the best time to make beautiful memories with them. Here is the list of activities

Feb 06 2020

How to inculcate a particular habit in your child

Our enthusiastic parent partner shares her amazing thoughts on ‘How to on inculcate a particular habit in your child’. Parenting according to her is one of the most beautiful skills which can be mastered if handled tactfully. Having discipline and inculcating good habits at an

Aug 31 2019

Our Future is the reflection of our today

How often do people come to you and tell you that you are a replica of your father or mother, you behave like them or that you talk or walk like them? or some one might say that  you  might become  like them in future,

Aug 20 2019

Evolving by Involving!

We often wonder what Involving it takes to evolve into a new level of mindset where we can grow and achieve more in life. As we move forward, we want to be a new person, dealing with new challenges, learning new skill sets, and constantly

Aug 03 2019

Money has no memory but experience has!

Life can be a little surprising at times🤨😮. You will experience that humans keep spending, calculating and saving money  all your life . However, all you will remember is the experience that you have undergone but you will still forget the cost you paid for

Jul 15 2019

Are you a victim or victor?

The way you perceive your experiences it defines if you are a victim or a victor . You can either feel empowered with all the challenging situations that you encounter and emerge as a victor who survived all of it or you can wallow in

Nov 02 2018

The Enduring Importance Of Parental Involvement In Early Years Of Your Children

Our exuberant educator talks about how Parental involvement in children’s lives is of utmost importance. Value of a Family: a. Family influences child’s life b. Children depend on parents and family to protect them this forms the child’s first relationships c. A parent is the