Dec 26 2019

How to Teach the Internet Etiquette to Your Child

In today’s digital age children are introduced to the internet and electronic gadgets at a very tender age. In fact, a lot of parents expose their babies to the web right when they are born. When the internet has become an inseparable part of our

Dec 16 2019

Internet Manners – You Must Teach Your Child

You must have heard and read several reports of accidental online purchases done by children from their parents’ smartphone. All of us are guilty of exposing our toddlers to the vicious world of technology and the internet. We  introduce them to social media at a

Dec 12 2019

Why and How to Make Your Child Cyber Ready??

Here we will throw light on the importance of making today’s generation prepared for the internet. We need to know if our children are Cyber Ready. Nowadays, children hardly require guidance for using smart gadgets. When it comes to the internet they can even teach

Dec 06 2019

How to Make Your Child Cyber Safe??

In today’s techno-savvy age, it is close to impossible to keep your child away from gadgets and the rise of internet usage has only made the situation worse however we must make our children Cyber Safe! The online world is a great place to hang