Money has no memory but experience has!
Life can be a little surprising at times🤨😮. You will experience that humans keep spending, calculating and saving money all your life . However, all you will remember is the experience that you have undergone but you will still forget the cost you paid for
Are you a victim or victor?
The way you perceive your experiences it defines if you are a victim or a victor . You can either feel empowered with all the challenging situations that you encounter and emerge as a victor who survived all of it or you can wallow in
The Benefits Of Pretend Play
Our CEO, talks about how imagination-driven/pretend play builds your young child’s developmental skills. She believes that she is a teacher and she is proud to be one!!! The wish or the aspiration to become a teacher was incepted in her childhood. It was during one
Exploring The Benefits Of Sensory Play
Our passionate Center Manager , Ms. Priya Sahani talks about, “Importance of sensory play” in the early years of a child and why it needs to be explored. From birth to early childhood, children use their five senses to explore and try to make
Importance of Early Childhood Education
Early childhood education creates a major impact on a child’s future. Importance of Childhood education: a. It helps in providing a strong base for lifelong learning abilities including cognitive and social development b. Early childhood refers to the age group between 0-8 years of
Pretend Play
Our energetic educator, Ms. Rakhi Talim, has thrown light on the concept of Pretend Play. Pretend Play has gained a lot of importance in recent times. Old day of play: In the good old days, children used to Pretend Play as a teacher,
Raising Children Independently
Our Educator shares her thoughts on the value of raising children Independently in today’s generation. In today’s world, When we interact with any parent and you will come to know about their busy schedule, their stressed lives and the struggle they face to give time
Tips for Physical Development in Preschoolers
In today’s day and time physical development is very crucial. However, with the advancement of technology and new gadgets available to kids, nuclear family set-up, both parents working or lack of patience to indulge kids in activities, causes increase in child obesity and diabetes related
Learning Through Nature
The moment I hear the word nature; mighty and powerful are the words that come to my mind. Nature is so vast and diverse that everything seems beyond your control. It makes you realize that something deep and big lies beyond your control and understanding