Slimy Slime

Playing with Slime can be very messy 😏😥although, it is a lot more fun as well as important for motor development.
Playing with Slime also helps children regulate their emotions and it is one of the best calming activities. Children can stretch and swirl and knead their slime for hours.
Research shows that sensory play builds nerve connections in the brain’s pathways, which lead to the child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks. Sensory play supports language development, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving skills, and social interaction.
Uses and builds fine motor skills by exploring pinching, popping, poking, pouring movements, as well as problem solving skills, and social interaction. Helps children learn important sensory attributes, like sticky, hard, crunchy, wet, etc.
And the fun starts here🤗🤩… Check out the video to make your slime:
Parental Involvement: Medium
Duration: 20 mins
a. Water based gum
b. Liquid borax
c. Glitter
a. Mix gum and 8 to 10 drops of liquid borax to form a stretchy slime
b. Add Glitter or beads to this slime to make it attractive
How to Play?
Let your child enjoy and explore pinching, pulling, stretching this material
We had 2 little champions who tried doing it for all of you 😀. lets check it out:
Now lets explore other messy fun activities with you little one.
Kneading Dough
Activities that involve engaging the senses are very vital for overall development. Beautifully explained with great activity.
Thank you for sharing very easy and quick method of slime.
Amazing blog. Children always love something like this, the process of making slime is very easy, thank you for sharing.
My child loves slime, and the fact that I an make them at home now makes me so happy and excited, I am definitely going to thry this at home.
Messy play has very much importance in once growth . Amazing blog
Creative fun activity😍 will surely keep the young ones engaged during this time!!
It’s a very creative one which is liked by every child.Great idea to engage children
Amazing blog…
Thanks for sharing,very easy method to make love to play with slime,this activity will surely keep them busy and happy.
Messy but the best play for children. Easy to make and engage children with a result of learning and fine motor development. Thank you for sharing this activity.
Though the activity is messy but its fun making. Children love such types of activities. Very simple and easy method to make slime& keep the children busy for longer time which also promote to develop their fine motor skills
It’s really very good way to engage child for at least an hour ,also helpful for calming them.
This is really very interesting activity. Children love to play with slime and this is very easy and simple to make at home.
Slime is easy to make at home now and is beneficial for fine motor skill too at the early stage.
Slimy time is always fun time for children.
Playing with Slime is always a win win situation for us..
Good for fine motor activity