
Ready to Goop??


Are you all ready to Goop???? Before we start, let us know what this play is all about. Goop is a softer version of play dough that allows kids to have a sensory experience.

Children learn cause and effect when they see when they touch the goop, move it around, and see the material come back together. They also develop their fine motor and sensory skills by manipulating and handling the goop.

Remember the time, when we were children ???.We used love messy play, getting our hands dirty in new textures be it mud, play dough or water play.

Research shows that sensory play builds nerve connections in the brain’s pathways, which lead to the child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks.

Here is one way you can indulge your child in a sensory goop activity. Let your child pour, mix, explore this gooey texture.

Lets check out this video to know more…

Parental Involvement: Medium

20 mins


a. Cornflour
b. Water
c. Food colour


Mix water, cornflour and food colour and you are ready to play

How to Play???

Let your child enjoy and explore this new texture and be creative with a world of possibilities this can be used

These 2 smarties exactly know how to goop🤓… Lets join them and learn!


Its time to get more messy, try the next fun activity with you little one.
Slimy Slime

16 thoughts on “Ready to Goop??”

  1. Very well thought..
    Children learn through sensory experiences as well..
    This helps to develop their brain pathways..
    Goop can easily be implemented too..

  2. Thank u Team Jumpstart for sharing such thoughtful and interesting activity. In times like these, it becomes very imortant to involve children in such sensoray activities.

  3. For Children Goop is the most enjoyable activity!! Easy to make and it lasts long to keep children engaged. One should surely try this amazing sensory activity. Thank you jumpstart for this amazing blog!

  4. It’s an excellent sensory activity. Thank you jumpstart for sharing such interesting activities.

  5. It’s an excellent sensory activity.throughly enjoyed by kids.excellent way of engaging kids.

  6. Amazing activity for fine motor skills.. Really so many things can ve done.. With material at home.

  7. Playing with Goop is a fabulous sensory activity. It is an interesting mixture with a unique texture to explore and play with.
    Let your child enjoy and explore this new texture and be creative with a world of possibilities.

    Thank you Jumpstart for this super fun and super messy activity, I am not sure who had the most fun, me or my little one!!

  8. One of the best sensory activity which is messy but children love such type of activity which helps to develop their fine motor skill, eye-hand co ordination and also builds nerve connections in the brain pathway

  9. Very interesting sensory activity for children. Children loves these type of activities.
    Thank you Jumpstart for sharing this amazing activity.

  10. It is very interesting sensory play and an edible play too. Easy to do and very funful activity.

  11. Playing with goop is really a fun it can be easily played indoors. It can engage children for a long time and built interest amongst them.

  12. To engage children in fun sensory play, Goop is the best option. Thank you for sharing this blog. The method of making goop is very easy. Wonderful sensorial activity.

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