
Punch Craft

Punch Craft

There are so many different ways to learn making beautiful patterns. Today, lets learn what is Punch Craft !!!!

These hole-punchers come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be a great way to engage your child for letting them create beautiful patterns and which will also develop there fine motor skills.

You can also with cutting and threading to make mobile Hangings and jewelry or shapes to be added to pictures too.

Lets check out this video to learn to what is Punch Craft…😊


Parental Involvement: Medium

Duration: 20 mins

Acquired skills:

a. Fine motor skills
b. Eye hand coordination


a.  Coloured Paper
b. Punching Machine

How to use :

a. Take Coloured Paper and child friendly punching machine
b. Ask your child to punch the paper to get various shapes
c. Let your child create different patterns and decorate the paper

Now as you know the punch the patterns let make some more :

Pretty Pretty Patterns 
Threads & Needles

10 thoughts on “Punch Craft”

  1. Punch craft is a great way to keep your child engaged and also make them learn different patterns with a developing fine motor skill. Easy and a great activity to be carried out. Thank you jumpstart for this activity blog !!

  2. These punch help us alot… Very quick solution for decoration… It helps children to make their own art work and develop their fine motor skills too.. Very helpful.

  3. What an innovative way to help the young with their fine motor skill deveopment. Very interesting blog.

  4. Punch craft is a great way to keep children engage.help children to acquire fine motor skills and eye hand coordination.thanks for sharing.

  5. Children will love to this the punch, as it makes many different patterns. Very helpful to enhance the creativity. Thank you Jumpstart team for sharing this idea.

  6. Very beautiful and interesting activity to keep children busy for longer time which helps to develop their fine motor skill , eye hand co ordination and creative skill.
    Thanks for sharing

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