
Stack On


Lets see what can we learn from the game ‘Stack on’!!!! šŸ˜Building and stacking objects is always fun for children.

Children have a sense of curiosity when they are exposed to new play material. Here is a new way to make structures and patterns with unconventional material.

It is easy to make, fun and engaging. This activity will stimulate math and language skill that helps in classification and use of objects.

Lets check out the video:

Parental Involvement: Medium

Duration: 30 mins

Skills Acquired:
a. Cognitive development
b. Fine Motor Development
c. Logic and Reasoning


a. Ice cream Sticks
b. Wooden Pages
c. Marker

Activity 1: Make forms

a. Allow child to make forms with the wooden pages and ice cream sticks
b. Let your child use wooden pegs to attach two sticks

Activity 2: Number and Alphabet Match

a. Write Numbers and Alphabets on either side of Ice cream stick
b. Draw small letters and dots on the other side of stick
c. Draw Alphabets and Numbers on either side of the peg
d. Let your child match the peg to correct ice cream stick

After playing the game of Stack on..now its time for mind tickling activities:

Magnetic Magic


4 thoughts on “Stack On”

  1. Very interesting and innovative activity to stimulate children math and language skills, with the minimum materials.
    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful blog

  2. Amazing activity with things that are available at home. It will make children involve for a long time. It also helps to make learning fun.

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