Positive words generates positive thoughts

Do we express ourselves enough as parents to our children??? Not really…. Because, as parents, we can strongly persuade the direction of our children’s lives by the words we say to them. Yet many parents fall short to do so. A lot of parents say “Oh, my children know that we care for them,”. “They know that we love them.” Maybe, but your children need to hear those positive words constantly in their lives. And the good news is that it is not difficult to change the environment around. You can commence speaking constructive certainty into your children’s lives any time you want. Endeavor to speak excellent and positive words into the lives of children in normal, regular, “daily” situations of life. For an example, when you drop your children off at daycare, before they even get out of the car, you can tell them that you love them.
Speak quality and positive words to your children every day before they go to school or go out to play. You don’t need to be a life Coach just say something like, “Your Teachers and Friends Love You and they have something special in store for you today”
Often parents slip into being inconsiderate and critical with their children, fault-finding in whatever the child is doing. “Why can’t you sit quiet? Why is your room so messy! “You can’t do anything right”. Such negative words will cause to lose the sense of value in children. Certainly, as parents, we have responsibilities towards them. We train our children to discipline them when they disobey, to lovingly correct them when they make wrong decisions. But we should not constantly badger on our kids. If you continually speak words that dishearten and depress, before you realize you will wipe out your child’s self-esteem. And with your pessimistic words, you will open a door, allowing the enemy to bring all sorts of diffidence and weakness into your child’s life.
Whether we comprehend it or not, our words affect our children’s future, either good or bad. We need to speak loving and positive words of support, appreciation and acceptance, words that cheer, enthuse, and encourage our children to reach new heights. When we do that, we are speaking blessings into their lives. We are speaking abundance.
Remember, if you make a mistake of constantly speaking negative to your children, you are cursing their future. With authority comes great responsibility, and you have the responsibility as a parent towards your child. Make sure that your child feels loved, accepted, and approved. Positive thoughts and positive talks are the basic traits that take deep roots in the lives of children.
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You are who you surround yourself with !
Truly said positive thoughts truly affects everyone ,very well written blog thank you for sharing.
Positive words work wonder.truly agree positive words and positive talks take deep roots in child life.thanks for sharing
Positive words gives positive impact of any one specially when they are our own children.
Surely as a parent we should be patient and loveable to them.
The positive environment around can really make a big difference. In today’s situation children really need those positive vibes. Which will make them feel comfortable. Very thoughtful.
Great read. Our attutide, words and actions, be it negative or positive, leaves a huge impact on children’s behavior. We must always keep that in mind when dealing with them. Wonderful write up.
Very well written…. 👍
One positive word can change the dull day into a amazing day. Truly inspiring and motivating blog. Thank you for sharing.
Excellent blog
Absolutely agree that positive words of support, appreciation &acceptance that cheer, enthuse and encourage our child to reach new heights
A very well made point. Bringing children up in a positive environment encourages children to give their best and it helps in building confidence. Not just children but adults like to hear positive words or appreciation and same goes with children. It can brighten up their day and help strong bond to be made.
Well written blog.Absolutely true that children
know thatt we love them and care for them but they continuesly aspect appreciation from us.
Very well written blog.
Positive words lead to positive behavior and can change a child’s life.
Very true……Positive words, Postive attitude turns out to be very impactful in every aspect of life. Specially when it comes to our children, it’s very necessary to imbibe positivity in them with our words and our actions. It is also important to encourage and correct them in right manner, what can only be done with positivity. Very well written.
Nicely explained, positive word will lead to positive behavior specially in case of a child,being positive will have a great impact on a child
Very nicely written the blog
Appreciation words always make our children stronger. It gives courage to reach new heights . Children know we love them , we care for them , so the positive words around them inspires and motivates them . Very well written blog . Thank you for sharing the wonderful thoughts
Very well written blog… It’s true that in our day to day routine we forget to appreciate our child’s work, we forget to talk positive to him and about him… Our positive talks will definitely create their future.
Very well written. We all need to keep this in mind and be careful how we speak to children as it impacts how they will talk to others and how they feel about us.
Positive words act as a motivation for children. The more positive statements used the more positive and confident the child becomes. Always appreciate your child as and when required. Thank you jumpstart for this blog.