
Moon Sand

Moon Sand

You can have your own sandbox at home😀.You don’t need to go to the beach anymore to explore sand

Now isn’t that exciting??? and the best part is, you can also make your own ‘Sand’!!!!

We call it as the ‘Moon sand’🤩 because of it’s crumbly texture and how similar it looks to the surface of the moon.

To make this Moon sand all you need is two household ingredients

The wonderful fun with moon sand is that it very crumbly but can be simply moulded by pressing it together! Once moulded it can simply be broken down to it’s original crumbly texture.

Lets see this video to learn how to make our own Moon sand..

Parental Involvement: Medium

Skills Acquired:

a. Development of fine motor skills
b. Hand & eye coordination
c. Promotes creativity and imagination
d. Sensory development of the sense of touch


a. All purpose flour
b. Baby oil
c. Cookie cutter


a. Take 1 cup of all purpose flour
b. All some baby oil
c. Mix it well

How to play???

a. Let your child play with the sand by feeling its texture and moundling it
b. Ask your child to use the cookie cutter to make different shapes from the moon sand

These two little stars are ready to make their own moon sand… Come one lets join them😊:


Now as your hands have become messy messy playing with sand, lets enjoy one more activity:

Slimy Slime

20 thoughts on “Moon Sand”

  1. Very easily available Material to have children busy over longer period of time. It also helps to have hand and eye coordination.

  2. Definitely Children enjoy playing with sand and making different shapes and can be busy for hours. It promotes creativity and imagination.
    It’s easy and fun activity.

  3. Very creative and interesting activity for the kids. Super fun too. Also during a time like this, sensory play becomes very important to be included in everyday activities. Thanks for sharing, Team Jumpstart!

  4. I tried this activity with my son today, it’s was super fun, he loved it.. Thank you jumpstart for this

  5. Very interesting and creative activity for children.work well for their fine motor development

  6. Very simple & interesting activity with available materials. Its definately keeps the child busy for longer time. Its helps to develop their fine motor skill imagination & eye hand co ordination

  7. Its very simple and creative activity for kids.. They love to play sand and happy to make shapes .

  8. Fun learning for children is possible with moon sand activity. The most loved and enjoyed sensory activity by children it is and so easy to make. Thank you jumpstart for sharing this easy activity blog !!

  9. Simple ingredients for this sensory activity..
    Reduces time.. Effort.. Children do play for a long duration..

  10. This activity pleases two of your senses, touch and sight. Very well planned activity. Will surely keep the young ones busy and entertained at the same time. Thank you for sharing, Team Jumpstart.

  11. I tried with my daughter it was fun not only kids even I enjoyed while doing thank you so much jumpstart for sharing this blog.

  12. Children love to play with sand. This is really easy to make and engage children in this sensory activity.

  13. Readily available materials…. children enjoys playing with moon sand and also play for a longer duration.

  14. It’s a very lovely activity, children enjoy this activity alot. Playing with sand is favourite amongst children.

  15. Lovely activity to do with the tiny tots..
    Simple yet fun activity
    Can easily be implemented

  16. This sensorial activity is a fun. Easy for parents to make. Thank you for sharing this blog.

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