
Evolving by Involving!


We often wonder what Involving it takes to evolve into a new level of mindset where we can grow and achieve more in life.

As we move forward, we want to be a new person, dealing with new challenges, learning new skill sets, and constantly working on upgrading ourselves to do things that we have never done before.

This sounds so promising and exciting. It’s like, wanting to have all the experiences right now. But then a question pops up like, what makes the journey of learning and growing different from the journey of evolving and growing? What kind of efforts is it going to take, to reach that point in life?

Jumpstart_360 Degree Program_mud playHow to Involve?

When we try involving other people into what we are doing, there’s some kind of shift in the way we deal with situations. That I believe is the beginning of the movement towards evolving! When there are many minds working together at one thing, we get various ideas and suggestions for doing things with a new perspective. Involving is not only done through discussions and opinions but also contributing to plans makes a huge impact.

It is in this journey of taking a team of people along with us, to achieve our own goal, where one learns and evolves to his/her fullest! This process gives birth to a new you!

At Jumpstart we believe in involving in every possible activity to make the child ‘Life Ready’ and not only ‘Academic Ready’. Different activities which children can be involved in are making small small choices and daily chores like cleaning, menu in the kitchen, which game to play, so on and so forth.


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Written by:
Heta Mercant

9 thoughts on “Evolving by Involving!”

  1. So true. We or children don’t just evolve by personal success. That is something which is done only to prove yourself. True evolving happens when we include our peers and colleagues equally in our success and ideas and this is a very important quality one should have and one should teach children

  2. Informative and interesting blog. To make other people become a part of our success is a nice thought. And as we go through this process it will make a new you.

  3. “Different activities which children can be involved in are making small small choices and daily chores like cleaning, menu in the kitchen, which game to play etc. ”
    Thank you Jumpstart for this wonderful blog! Let the children involve and evolve!

  4. Great blog. Involving children in regular chores helps teach them responsibility. It can also help them become more self-reliant at the same time.

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