Why Hop, Skip & Jump?

Our Liaisoning Manager, talks about why and how physical development is influential in a child’s holistic development and how parents can indulge in the same:
Why does play matter?
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” – This proverb itself stresses on the vitality of physical play in a child’s life. In a digital world where children are spending more and more time looking at screens and less time playing outdoors, the problem of childhood obesity is on the rise. Therefore, it is extremely essential to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle from a young age and reduce inactivity and sedentary. In addition, Physical fitness heavily contributes towards all other aspects of personality development leading to a rich and radiant living.
What is physical literacy?
In other words, it is about having physical skills, confidence and love of movement to be active for life. For instance, learning alphabet is the foundation for reading. Fundamental skills like balance and co-ordination are needed in order to feel confident and motivated to be active.
Why is physical literacy and development vital?
a. It improves your child’s focus
b. It enhances his/her learning ability
c. Leads to improved brain functioning so that he/she excels in academics
d. Aids heart health and increases lung capacity
e. Boosts creative thinking & problem solving
f. Develops self-control & social skills
How much physical activity should children engage in?
It is suggested that a child achieves at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every single day. This is as essential for them as a nutritious and wholesome meal is!
When we don’t miss out on food everyday, then why miss out on fitness and play? Make this an inevitable part of your child’s daily timetable!
How can you boost your little angel’s physical development / literacy?
a. Going on family walks with your child and walking, marching, jogging, running alternately
b. Pretend play of walking like a penguin, jumping like a frog/kangaroo, galloping like a horse etc.
c. You can also make your child fly like an aeroplane or row a boat across the house.
d. An obstacle race using cushions, toys, cardboard boxes etc. is a favorite among preschoolers
e. Water play in a tub/swimming pool is also a great physical activity
f. You can partner with your little dancer and play freeze dancing
g. Climbing the hill greatly boosts physical fitness
h. Skipping, shuttle races, hopscotch and dodge ball are few more games that children are delighted about.
i. You can turn off the lights to make a dark room and flash lights on the wall which the child needs to jump up high and touch
j. Simon says, toy treasure hunt and hide and seek are also a hit among children.
k. You can all give them balloons and ask them to keep them in the air. By jumping they are balancing on their hands
Most importantly, you are the role model for your little star. They are going to imitate every activity that you. Hence make sure you are setting the right examples!
Play turns out to be so stunningly essential to childhood. It’s like love, sunshine and broccoli all juiced together. Similarly, it is said you can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation!
Above all, Always remember- An active mind cannot exist in an inactive body!
You can also read:
Exploring The Benefits Of Sensory Play
Wonderful Blog. Physical activity is so very important and these tips on how to do are very interesting which the children might very well enjoy and will get them that movement without forcing them to do a specific physical activity
Amazing blog. The idea to make the play time more engaging by adding some creativity is really beneficial. The thought behind the free play is very helpful for child’s growth. Thank you for writing and sharing the information.
Nice blog …lovely tips shared . thank you.
Wonderful tips mentioned how to boost wyour little Angela’s physical development . Lovely tips shared in this blog . Thank you Jumpstart !!
Physical activities are very important for growth – physical, emotional and mental. Great activities shared.
Such a wide list of activities shared. Physical activities are very crucial for our well being. Now, more than ever, we must focus on our health and encourage children too to take care care of themselves. Outdoor activities are stress busters. Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog.
Nice blog
Physical activities is essential for a child’s development. It helps lay the foundation for an active and healthy life.
Thank you Jumpstart for this wonderful blog.
Wonderful ideas mentioned to involve child in a physical activity. Physical growth is the important aspect and having fun while growing is necessary rather being forced. Nice tips shared. Thankyou for such an amazing blog.
Amazing and very informative blog. The detailed explanation about the importance of physical activity is great. Truly physical activity is really important for a child’s holistic development.
Thank you for sharing.
Amazing and very informative blog. The detailed explanation about the importance of physical activity is great. Truly physical activity is really important for a child’s holistic development.