
Internet Manners – You Must Teach Your Child

Internet Manners – You Must Teach Your Child

You must have heard and read several reports of accidental online purchases done by children from their parents’ smartphone.

All of us are guilty of exposing our toddlers to the vicious world of technology and the internet.

We  introduce them to social media at a very tender age, because their cute pictures garner a lot of likes and the ‘Aww So Cute’ comments in hundreds.also tt times when children don’t behave themselves, we just hand over the phone and let them play those online games.


And then we say that the children are born knowing how to use the internet.

But while all this is happening and our children are browsing and connecting with others online, we forget the most important thing – can they do so politely and safely?

Therefore, like you enforce rules for everything else in their life, there must be instructions and guidelines for your child to ensure appropriate online behavior.

In short, there are certain Internet manners and etiquettes that you must teach the children.


Respect Others:

Stress the importance of being polite as it will help develop relationship building skills in your child. Give them tips like, avoid name-calling, bullying, gossiping, negative talk or discussing personal and controversial topics. Even though they are behind a mobile or computer screen, their choice of words will create their online identity. So, you must set strict restrictions on what type of online behaviour is acceptable and what is not.


Think Before You Send:

You will never want your child to share their pictures, videos, etc. to strangers or even friends. Make them understand that once something is sent or posted and it will remain in cyberspace forever and You can’t be retrieved. Also, that their personal information can be misused through photo shop and can be posted, copied, forwarded, downloaded by anyone.


Report Bad Behavior:

Like our physical world, the Internet is also a giant community, and your children will find all sorts of people on the internet. So, if they come across anything that bothers them or makes feel unsafe shall be reported. Tell them its okay to tell everything to you.


Follow Your Family’s Rules:

Make your children understand this one important thing very politely. They must know that if their parents tell them to avoid certain websites or ask them to not use the internet after a certain time or duration, they must listen. Threat them well when they obey you, this way they will understand that the more they act responsibly, the more privileges they will get.

The online world is a lot like our physical world, but only because we can’t see the other person certain rules of engagement have changed. And as a parent, it is our responsibility to make our kids ready for the same.

Happy Parenting!!


You may also read:

Why and How to Make Your Child Cyber Ready???


Team SDM

9 thoughts on “Internet Manners – You Must Teach Your Child”

  1. Thank you Jumpstart for this blog as now a days our children are more exposed to internet. Teaching childern how to interact online is an ongoing process and not just a one-time conversation. Teaching digital etiquette requires parents to engage with their childern on a regular basis and use real-life situations as learning experiences. It also requires parents to be aware of what their childern are doing online and to guide them when things seem to be getting off track.

  2. Thank you Jumpstart for this blog as now a day our children are more exposed to internet. Teaching Children on how to interact online is an ongoing process and not just a one-time conversation. It also involves more than just listing a set of rules. Teaching digital etiquette requires parents to engage with their childern on a regular basis and use real-life situations as learning experiences. It also requires parents to be aware of what their children are doing online and to guide them when things seem to be getting off track.

  3. This is a very important topic which is not given
    enough importance . Internet is something which is not at all a new thing for today’s children and they really need to be taught these manners as it defines so much of their future

  4. Very interesting blog. Everyone should know the appropriate use of technology and if internet manners are explained to children they will grasp very easily. Well written blog 👍🏻

  5. A very crutial information presented above 👌
    Must read!
    Amazing and very interesting blog!

  6. I totally agree to the points mentioned with regards to have a proper manner and etiquette while operating internet and with upgrading technology it is really important for the child too to know the right manner and rules. Appropriate information is passed through this blog on a sensitive topic like Internet Manner!.

  7. Wonderful read. Very important to teach this to our children especially when we live in a digital age. Helps them learn how to be respectful to others opinions too. Thank u for aharing such wonderfil tips.

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