How Can we develop intra Personal intelligence in children??

Intrapersonal skills are internal skills, perceptions and attitudes that occur within a person’s own mind. Intra-personal skills can be learned in the same way that we learn math and language skills.
Children with intrapersonal intelligence are aware of their intelligence. They know what goals they want to achieve and what they need to do to achieve them. They learn from their mistakes and often enjoy individual work.
Lets see how we as parents can help our children develop these skills:
Develop trust in children:
a. It is trust that makes one feel safe and secure,brings contentment and gives us a sense of our own self-worth and allows us to value those around us as well as to empathize with another person’s plight.
b. The concept of trust is being taught from the time an infant is born.
Will a cry be answered? Will a need be met? Is there comfort to be found?
c. Within the answers to these quests, the infant discovers that trust is only the beginning. As parents and educators let us make sure we are around and beside them when the child needs us
Communicate and converse daily with children:

Daily circle times in school or bonding times in family can add to a smoother, transparent and effective getaway of communication which will help children to understand themselves and the other person’s point of view.
Develop neural association:
a. Participate as a family in an action that neurally associates to happiness. Every time this action is practiced it will connect us to our inner self that defines happiness.
b. For preschoolers use rituals and practices that engage the five senses: Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste, and Smell.
Create Eureka get thet AHA factor or WOW factor:
a. Teach and train children to discover eureka moments
b. Eureka is creating your “own” wow moment leading to happiness
c. Teach children to savour small moments like perfume of a vibrant flower or a sunset
d. Once children start experiencing beauty and magic in everyday life they will begin to experience it in all areas of life
The key however here is repetition!!!
e. Once children start repeating things or moments that bring happiness they get connected to themselves
f. As educators and schools we have to teach children to find these AHA factors in their daily routines and schedules
Teach them to love themselves and treat their body like a temple:
a. Temples are places of sanctity and purity
b. Teach children to treat their bodies as one
c. The way we would worship idol teach children to worship the body that the god has given them
d. Healthy minds reside in healthy bodies. The better we nurture our body and keep it healthy, the more powerful our mind would be.
e. Love it the way we love god and we would be adorned with physical, emotional and spiritual blessings
Develop a sense of gratitude in children:
a. Saying thank you has become more of a social etiquette for all of us.
b. We teach children to say Sorry, Please and Thank you as part of social development
c. The moment the child has taken something everybody pounces on the child to say “Thank you”.
d. Is that the right thing to do? Saying thank you is part of showing gratitude and it has to felt.
e. We need to teach children to express gratitude whenever they feel like and it not only after an event or situation.Expressing gratitude instantly shifts your energy
f. It puts you in harmony with your source of supply so that the good in everything moves toward you.
Good attracts good. Good gets you closer to yourself.
Teach children to practice non doing:

a. Children are constantly active experimenting and making sense of their surrounding.
b. Prayers or for that matter just sitting with eyes closed doing nothing teaches children to introspect and be connected with one’s feelings and emotions.
b. School should keep 10 mins in their planned time tables for non doing. Even 10 minutes every day will have a huge impact on their minds.
Teach breathing techniques to children:
Teaching children breathing techniques will help them be connected to themselves. Controlled breathing not only keeps your mind and body functioning at their best it can promote feelings of calmness and relaxation.
Teach meditation and its various forms:
a. Meditation means transforming mind, the mind should not be distracted with any activity.
b. Meditation can be watching birds or dancing where the child just doesn’t think about any other activity and has complete peace of mind.
c. We as educational organizations should encourage and teach different techniques of mediatation catering to the uniqueness of each chils.
Be a role model:
At this point in parenting, actions often speak louder than words:
a. Avoid white lies as adults. You do it children are going to do it. The lie can be as simple as avoiding a phone call saying
“Tell him/her I am not there.” The child is observing every action of ours
b. White lies just brings distances in knowing our real self
c. Also as role models show children that your happiness is not dependent on something .It is within you.
d. No situation or person can hamper your happiness.
Use stories as medium to connect with children:

Stories a wonderful way of connecting with children. Children using their own imagination create situations in their own minds which helps educators primary caregivers to connect to them.
Children learn about situation which they can associate with real life and can act accordingly in different situations.
You may also read: Anger Management for Children
Very true , actions speaks louder than words.we have to be their role models to develop their intra personal intelligence
One of the best blogs I have read till date…. especially the AHA factor which is mentioned. Thank you so much for this blog.
Very helpful blog for parents to develop important skills in child. Thanks you so much for sharing
Very well drafted blog. It’s very important to connect to a child and the ways to do so are explained in detail in the above blog. Helpful and informative article.Thank you for sharing.
Beautifully penned out blog. It is absolutley important for parents to instil that sense of self love and positivity in children especially from a young age.
Parents Do. Play imp. Role.
Amazing blog..
I agree that unless.we do they will not do it..
We need. To instil it from a young age.
Beautifully drafted blog All in one. The points jotted down are very useful for teachers as well as parents..
Thankyou for sharing this blog.
Very informative blog. I totally agree that parents are the role model of their child.
Thank you for sharing.
Very informative!
Very true that action speak louder than words!
Beautiful thoughts shared thank you.
Amazing thoughts shared. Truly accepted that parents are the role models for a child.
Wonderful blog by Sneha Tapadia Madam.
Points in the blog will help the children to develop their Intra Personal intelligence. Let children know what goals they want to achieve and what they need to do to achieve them.
A very informative blog. Thank you for jotting these points in the blog which is indeed useful for all.
Very nicely written blog, completely agreed with with this thought.
Very informative blog written ma’am, parent’s need to avoid speaking white lies because parents should always remember that they are the role model for the child . Thank you
Very informative blog. Through role modeling, you have ability to influence your children’s development in positive ways and make it more likely that they become people you will admire when they mature.
Very informative blog for parents as well as for teachers
Thanks for sharing
wonderful written blog for parents as well as for teachers to be the role model for children.
Very informative and very useful. A must read for everyone… Loved it
Wonderful read. Everyone needs a role model in their life to enocourage them to do good n be a better human being. Our actions and behavior is what influences them. Very helpful for everyone.