Civic Sense…. Is it too early to start?

One of the traditions of Japanese education is that students do soji (cleaning). Soji starts after lunch and lasts for about 20 minutes.
This happens 4 times a week and on the last day of each term, there is a longer cleaning called o-soji (big cleaning). Throughout cleaning time, music is played to develop enthusiasm and energy. Each class is responsible for cleaning its own classroom and two other places in the school.
Civic sense is nothing but social ethics or the unspoken norms of society.
- Like, keeping the roads, streets and public property clean
- Using the resources provided to us effectively
- Abiding by the laws and respecting others point of view
- Maintaining decorum in public places.
Civic sense like the other 5 senses is not what the children are born with but this sense is something that children need to inculcate and be taught right from an early age. Having value education as one of the subjects won’t suffice but children actually doing it and seeing it is what they would follow and inculcate for life.
To inculcate civic sense, simple things need to be followed:
There has to be a shift in attitude :
We need to teach children to be tolerant. We need to teach them to wait for their turns and share for the good of the class/home. This attitude developed from an early age helps at large when they function actively as part of the bigger society.
At Jumpstart, following traffic rules become part of their day at school as a road with zebra crossing and traffic signal is part of the infrastructure. Children are taught, encouraged to follow traffic rules. Jumpstart star behavior flash cards put in the entire school encourage children to close tap when not in use, wait for their turn and share to get the right attitude in children.
Our education focuses a lot on achieving personal goals like scoring well in exam to excel. Appreciation is given only when personal goals are achieved. Civic goals can get its due importance by getting enough appreciation for following it. There should be enough extrinsic and intrinsic motivation to follow it. Every time the child shows inclination to do good for the society, the decision needs to be appreciated. A constant communication about civic goals will make children more receptive about achieving them. Eg: If a wrapper lies unattended on the road, encourage the child to pick it up and put it in the dustbin. With this attitude, the child know that even if he or she has not thrown it, it is still their responsibility to keep the society clean.
We need to be the role models:
It all starts from us as we are the major influence in the child’s life. Children copy us, imitate use and mirror us all the time. To do well, all they need are people who practice what they preach. They need us to follow all rules and regulations without exceptions. Rule broken once for whatever reason gives the child an opportunity to break it and not follow it many more times.
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Well written blog. We should inculcate civic sense in children from very early age both at home and school by simply teaching them to close tap when not in use, put garbage in dustbin keep thing on place and so on
Well said Children mirror parents. So as we say Charity begins at home same ways children develop habits from home first. This blog has really given very useful points how we can inculcate habit of Civic sense in our children from the early age.
Well explained how to inculcate habit of civic sense at early age.
Well written blog. Civic sense should be taught as soon as possible to a child. Before them, even we as adults need to adapt these habits which will be easier for the children to folloe
Well written blog. Civic sense is something that can be practiced on regular basis. The tips are helpful and informative. Thank you for writing.
Very nice & useful blog for parents and teachers
As the children are the mirtor images of us they copy us ,imitate us, so if we inculcate the civics sense in early age will definitely help at large when they function activity as a part of bigger society.
Its never too early to teach good manners and civic sense to our children. Beautifully articulated blog. Lovely suggestions given too.
Wonderful tips shared on how we can make our children responsible citizens. Thanks for sharing
Wonderful tips. Thank you for sharing
Well explained importance of Civic sense. Nice and simple steps mentioned to follow. A very important topic which learned in early ages will be beneficial for lifetime. Thankyou for sharing the blog About such a topic.
Civic sense has to be taught and inculcated in children. It is a ‘sense of belonging’ which creates pride and a sense of ownership. As parents we must instill such social values among the little stars until it becomes second nature to them if we want our children to have a better tomorrow.
Thank you Jumpstart for this wonderful blog.
Very well said “We Need To Be The Role Models”. Very informative blog.
Thank you Jumpstart for sharing this amazing blog.
Well explained how to inculcate habit of civic sense at early age.