Preparing Your Child for the First Step Towards Preschool – Part 1

Here we share an amazing thought over Preparing your child for Preschool!
By no chance, your child will be in a welcoming mood for the first day of preschool. And you must be ready for that. In fact, their unwillingness, nervousness, and tears are nothing but natural and actually necessary to some extent.
So, what should you do make your child ready for this situation? Don’t worry we are here to help, just read on….
Sending your child to a Preschool can be a huge step for any parent. At the same time, it is very difficult for the child to leave the comfort of his/her home for the first time and venture into the big world. In fact, this might seem like a daunting task for both parent and child.
Although, it is hardly possible to tell whether or not and exactly when your child is ready for preschool, but as a parent, the best you can do for your child is to prepare him/her to make the transition easier.
Following are the steps that you can take to make your child ready for preschool:
Communication is the Key:
Talk to your daughter/son about what preschool is and what he/she will be doing there. But, be careful while doing so, do not overwhelm your children with excessive information. Try and talk mostly about the positive aspects, don’t instil fear about anything. For the best, have casual and upbeat conversations about the fun they will be having with their new friends. The idea is to help your child understand what to expect in a preschool and give them something to look forward to.
Give Them the Vibe:
As soon as your child has been enrolled in the preschool, take them on a tour of the premises. In fact, at Jumpstart we insist the parents do so, as well as we ensure that they meet the teachers and caregivers in advance. This helps the child get to know the environment and makes them comfortable and confident.
Organize A Play Date:
Along with the above point, if you happen to know other parents whose children will be in your child’s preschool class, you can organize a play date with them. This is a great way to save your child from the feeling of strangeness and isolation that he/she might face on the first day of preschool. If the child already knows his new friends, teachers, etc. he/she will be more than happy to go to the preschool.
Teach Social Skills:
Socializing is something that your child will only acquire gradually with time. However, you can always point them in the right direction. And one of the best ways to teach your child some basic social skills is through ‘pretend play’. Start with acting out going to school, meeting new people, greeting each other, playing with friends and teachers, etc. also, try reversing the roles, for instance sometimes let your child become the teacher or the parent and you be the child. This will help inculcate the feeling in your child that preschool is a fun and exciting place. Also, it will reduce their anxiety and fear of the new place.
Look for all these availabilities when you go on a search of a best preschool for your toddler, as these are the best moments your child can live. Its your responsibility as a parent to gift this to your child 🙂
Happy Parenting!!!
You can also read:
Preparing Your Child for the First Step Towards Preschool – Part 1
The Enduring Importance Of Parental Involvement In Early Years Of Your Children
Nice blog.. Preconditioning child from home to school.. With positive vibes. Also arranging playdate for them to feel happy.. Teaching social skills..
Very useful for mothers whose children are about to enter in a preschool. This will definitely help them make this journey easier.
Well articulated blog. Experts say, for a child to be in a preschool, is an experience that should not be missed. Parents can play an essential role in preparing them for this new phase and ensure that they enjoy this experience. Great tips suggested.
Well written, helpful for mothers.
Very well written
Its a very difficult task as well as very emotional situation for the parents to switch their child from comfort zone to big world ie to make them prepare for preschool
But with the help of these wonderful tips they can easily precondition their child’s mind & make the journey more happy and comfortable
Very true , it is very difficult for children to leave their comfort home and step in a new world called “pre school “. Parent’s need to prepare the child in positive way about pre school so he / she feel happy to take a step in comfortably in pre school . Thank you Jumpstart .
Helpful information for mothers to prepare their child to enter in a preschool.
Very helpful for those who don’t know how to make their kid ready for preschool
A very well written blog. Very good points given on how to precondition your child. Very helpful for all the parents.
Preschool play vital role in a child’s growth. So we aloud toddlers to about to enter in it parents with the above tips can precondition the minds to lil star.
It is extremely important that children entering preschool and leaving home for the first time are prepared for this step. Its a huge step for them as its the first time away from home and parents. We must reassure our child that preschool is a good place where she will have fun and learn. This is a very nicely written blog with excellent points for the same.
Helpful for the mothers whose children are just about to go to a preschool.
Preconditioning the mind of child is the key..
The tips are easy and can be executed well by the parents..
Well drafted
Nicely written the blog points written how to precondition your child for preschool it is really very helpful for moms
Very helpful and informative blog to the mothers who think twice before enrolling the child for preschool. Very well written 👍🏻
Nicely written the blog points written how to precondition your child for preschool it is really very helpful for moms excellent
Very well written
Its a very difficult task as well as very emotional situation for the parents to switch their child from comfort zone to big world ie to make them prepare for preschool
But with the help of these wonderful tips they can easily precondition their child’s mind & make the journey more happy and comfortable
Very well written and point are really very helpful and how to precondition child’s mind for preschool.
It’s very essential to precondition the mind of a child so as to make him/her comfortable with the new environment.As 1st five years of a child’s life is a very important period and so it’s important for a child to be prepared and be ready for his new journey
It’s very important to precondition child’s mind and mood before they step out from their comfortable zones. Same way it’s necessary for mother’s as well to be confident and comfortable with the environment. Above written tips are going to help mother’s to prep their little one’s to start their journey.
It is really very much important to precondition a child’s mind that he or she will going to a preschool and learning a lot more activities as well as meeting many new friends,needs to come out of its comfortable space
Helpful in preconditioning child’s mind for preschool
Very helpful blog for parents whose children are about to enter a preschool. To achieve a very smooth transition between home and school, preconditioning is the most important aspect.
Thanks for such a useful blog.
It so true. Preschool plays an integral part in a child’s development. The above tips are surely going to make it easier for the parent whose children are going to step in a new beautiful world. It will sure be a cake walk if the above tips be taken care of.
well written👏
Great blog. Some wonderful tips shared to ease the school going process.
Very informative blog… I loved the idea of a ‘play date’ for the child before he joins his playschool. This will enable him to settle easily and become friendly with the new place.
Such a helpful and an informative blog. Very well mentioned steps in order to help your child enter the preschool for first time. Thank you jumpstart for this blog.
This process of getting little ones ready is equally difficult for mothers and this blog will really help them get ideas and make the process easier
Very helpful blog. Parents help in a long way in mentally n emotionally preparing the children for school.