
How To Deal With Your Child’s Tantrums?

When your child is crying, screaming, kicking, hitting himself and throwing stuff around, it gets to you! Though you have experienced this before, it comes back like a boomerang.

Tantrums are not uncommon amongst children, but they can seem unpleasant at times. Although, they can be controlled with a little bit of patience and persistence.

Why do children throw tantrums?

Children often do not have the words to express some emotions. When they are unsure about dealing with emotions like anger, sadness, and disappointment, they show their frustration through this behaviour.

A toddler might have trouble coping with some situations. If someone takes away their toy or any other belonging, their instant reaction is to scream or cry. He tries hard, pushes you to your limits until he gets what he wants.

Other reasons for children to throw tantrums are hunger and stress. It can make it harder for them to express and talk about these feelings to anyone.



How to manage tantrums in children?

While there is no one right way to deal with a child’s tantrums, these are a few ways to help you deal with them-


  • Identify the triggers

When your child exhibits enormous tantrums, take a minute to examine the underlying reason. Observe when your child is most likely to throw temper tantrums. Is it when he is too tired or hungry? Try to draw out a plan so that your child receives adequate food and rest.


  • Acknowledge their feelings

By acknowledging their feelings, you are helping them put them into words. If your child is crying because he wants to play with a particular toy, you can respond by saying that you understand that he wants to play with that toy. It would make him feel significant as a child and give him a chance to reset his emotions.


  • Try creating diversions

When your child does not want to calm down despite all explanations, divert the topic by talking about other things. While shopping, if your child is determined to get that chocolate, you can quickly switch gears by asking about his favourite cartoon character.


  • Set boundaries

When you set limitations, you teach your child the difference between right and wrong. If your child hits or kicks another child when he is angry, let him know that this behaviour is not acceptable. Tell them why physical violence is unacceptable. Set clear rules and keep them informed about the consequences if they choose not to follow them. Though your child will not follow them right away, you should remind him often and stay determined.


  • Keep your cool 

If your child is throwing a tantrum, try not to yell. If you do so, they end up screaming with you and will believe that this is acceptable. Try not to let your emotions get in the way because it can make the situation worse. If you lose control, you might fail to resolve the entire situation.


Though tantrums are a normal part of growing children, it is essential to channelize them correctly. By teaching them healthier ways to express themselves, you’re helping them choose the right way to do so. Though it may not seem easy, you will be able to power through anything with consistency and determination.


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