
You are who you surround yourself with!!!

Jumpstart Kids Activity Center Karve Road Pune

We always wish, aspire and desire that our children should follow the right path and should have the right influence during those crucial growing years and later too!

How do we teach children to surround themselves with the right people and have the right influence??


a. Teach children to believe in themselves. Others around them can sense weather they believe in themselves or not and their thoughts, actions and gestures change accordingly

b. Help children to practice forgiveness. Holding resentment towards themselves or others is negative energy, and will attract negative people and experiences to them

c. Follow the law of attraction to help children become the right average of 5 people around them

Right Influence

The law of attraction is the most powerful law of the universe. It states “like attracts like”. Your thoughts and emotions create an energy field around you and draw people, places and events that match your own vibratory rate!

Plant good positive thoughts in children repeatedly. Tell the universe what you want and not what you don’t want.

Surround yourself with whom you want to become! See your and your child’s future getting redesigned!

At Jumpstart we create an environment where children explore, learn , enjoy with everyone,  including colleagues, teachers, support staff are comfortable with them to make a choice.

“When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the center of every constellation, and people want to be near you.”
― Shannon L. Alder


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Written by:
Sneha Tapadia

17 thoughts on “You are who you surround yourself with!!!”

  1. Definitely One of the most powerful aspects of the law of attraction is that whatever you focus on, expands.  I believe that living with the idea of this law is truly helpful to peaceful parenting.
    Excellent words said by Sneha Tapadia Madam in this blog –
    “Surround yourself with whom you want to become! See your and your child’s future getting redesigned!”

  2. A very important thought has been quoted here by Sneha Ma’am “Plant good positive thoughts in children repeatedly. Tell the universe what you want and not what you don’t want.” It must be a repetitive action to teach our toddlers optimism and to universe too and the things will come back to you in positive way
    Thankyou for this wonderful thought.

  3. A very positive thought has been written by Sneha ma’am “At Jumpstart we create an environment where children explore, learn , enjoy with everyone .

  4. Very well explained by Sneha ma’am
    The nost powerful law of universe that like attracts like ,how to build up positive thoghts,practice of forgiveness, how to get rid iof negative thoughts ,& make them confident about what they want & they don’t want
    Really helpful tips for the parents to make their child most successful human being in their life

  5. Very well explained and parents and teachers will easily understand this and will surely implement it for the betterment of children.

  6. A powerful yet appealing message has been carved out! It is true that a rotten apple can spoil the others in the basket, so, surround yourself with whom you want to become!

  7. Thrown light on one of the most effective concept..
    My taking from this blog is ‘ Surround yourself with whom you want to become ‘
    This sentence is enough to open up ones mind and ignite a thought of surrounding yourself with the ones with whom you can become something.
    As it is said ‘ You are known by the company you keep ‘
    Have positive people around you that attracts positivity.

  8. Creating environment in which children can thrive means consciously creating warm and loving surroundings. Great tips shared.

  9. Lovely blog. We have all heard the saying that birds of a feather flock together, meaning that the company you keep reflects your personality. So its important to ensure that oir children are always surroinded by positive thoughts and positive minded people.

  10. I totally agree to each statement written in the blog above. Positivity is indeed important and also you attract to that energy in which you find yourself and surround yourself with. Good tips explained for ones to follow and indulge. Thankyou so for sharing this blog !!

  11. Wow, very inspiring thought. If we are surrounded with folks who are always complaining or not happy with their life, we tend to have same outlook towards our life. But if we are surrounded with positive people, who always have an inspirational outlook towards life then we too do the same. So be in a troop who tend to live a life, not with one who wants to leave the life.

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